Plax Pleads Guilty

Last November, when I heard that Plaxico Burress had shot himself in the leg, I thought it was the craziest thing that I had heard since Aeneas Williams got injured answering the telephone. What I find even crazier is that, not only did Plax have to endure the pain of the gun wound, but now he has to serve 2 years in jail for the incident. Doesn't that seem extremely stupid? The guy shoots himself, he is in serious pain, he gets released by the Giants, and you have to throw a 2 year jail sentence on top of all that!? Don't you think that this man has learned his lesson? I do understand that it is illegal to own a gun without a license, and I do think that this is a good rule, but I do not think that his jail sentence should be 2 whole years. I know that 2 years is a relatively light sentence compared to most, but 2 years is 2 years. Apparently, Benjamin Brafman, Burress' attorney, agrees with me about the length of the sentence as he stated, "This was not an intentional criminal act. In my judgment, a two-year prison sentence is a very severe punishment." Another person that seems to agree is Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder. Durant, on his Twitter page, said, "plexico gettin 2 yrs....that's absurd.....thas crazy...that's outrageous...that's TERRIBLE...that's unbelievable." Now those are two smart guys. The whole point of going to jail is either to take criminals off of the streets or to spend the time to think about the terrible act that you did and to feel remorse for it. Personally, I do not think that either of those apply to the Burress case. Yes he deserves jail, I already established that, but 2 years is insane. In my opinion, the judge should go to jail to think about the awful injustice that he just committed, and he should feel remorse for being so ridiculous.   
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